End-of-Summer Picinic: August 31 2024 at 11:30am at the Eagle Lake Beach.
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Eagle Lake Site map
This page is an alphabetical listing of all of the individual web pages on the Eagle Lake Property Owners web site.
  1. 1907-1935 Meeting Minutes Page- Preorganizational information letter, annual meeting minutes, membership list.
  2. 2003 GPS Milfoil Survery Page- Essex County NY: Baseline study documenting the location and size of the largest and densest beds of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Eagle Lake (survey data, maps, and results).
  3. 2018 Boat Launch Changes Page- Changes to the Eagle Lake boat launch as proposed in the 2018 Hammond Pond Unit Management Plan. As second part of the proposed changes to the 2019 Hammond Pond UMP and its association with the Eagle Boat launch additional stipulations and possible restrictions have been included. These stipulations relate to BOAT MOTOR SIZE, CARRYING CAPACITY, and a SITE SPECIFIC UMP.
    1. 2019 Map Images for Boat Launch and Beach Page- Map Images for Boat Launch and Beach and ArcGIS 2018 Proposed State Land Classifications.
    2. 2019 Supporting Images for the Boat Launch and Beach Page- This is a collection of images by Rolf Tiedemann relating to the proposed changes to the beach and boat launch found in the Hammond Pond Unit Management Plan.
    3. 2023 Boat Launch Changes Page- Changes to the Eagle Lake boat launch as ratified into the 2019 Hammond Pond UMP and its association with the Eagle Boat launch additional stipulations and possible restrictions have been included. These stipulations relate to BOAT MOTOR SIZE, CARRYING CAPACITY, and a SITE SPECIFIC UMP.
  4. Archives Page- A collection of, and links to, all of the Eagle Lake Property Owners documents currently in electronic form, that have been generated over the organizations 100+ year history.
    1. By-Laws Information
    2. Membership Communication
      1. 2013 APA Renovate Public Comments- Supporting Notes Page-Here you will find the Eagle Lake Milfoil Teams comments and supporting documents as they relate to the Adirondack Park Agencies (APA) RASS-1 Call for public comment on the Guidelines for the appropriate Use of the Aquatic Herbicides Renovate and Renovate OTF to Manage Eurasian Water-Milfoil, and Aquatic Invasive Plant.
      2. Annual Meeting Minutes Page- A collection of our annual meeting minutes currently available in electronic form. More will be added as they become available.
      3. Board Meeting Minutes Page- A collection of our board meeting minutes currently available in electronic form. More will be added as they become available.
      4. Communications Page- A collection of our organizational communications currently available in electronic form. These include documents sent out by the ELPOI, recieved by the ELPOI, and sent between various members of the organization.
      5. Essex County Board of Supervisors Page- Documents supporting the Essex County Resolution in support of the towns of Crown Point, and Ticonderoga, along with Eagle Lake in their interest to utilize an herbicide (Renovate).
        1. Resolution #137-2009-May
        2. Expanded Meeting Hand Outs
      6. Newsletters Page- A collection of our newsletters currently available in electronic form. More will be added as they become available.
    3. Lake Reports
    4. Water Quality Information
      1. Water Quality Reports Page- CSLAP Reports and other independent water quality reports that are currently in electronic form.
      2. Septic Dye Test Results Page- (2000) 82% of properties tested, 100% passed
    5. Legal Documents
      1. Permits Page- Documents related to the completion of permits towards the maintainence of Eagle Lake as well the permits themselves. Housing removal permits among others.
      2. Financial Records Page- Here are the financial records broken down by year and by who the acting treasurer was at that point in time. Expenditures, reciepts and treasures reports.
  5. Boater Safety Information- This page includes publications about the "rules of the road" and polite use of recreational watercraft on Eagle Lake and other navigable inland waterways.
  6. Contact Us Page- Mailing address, email address, link to membership benefits and joining information page.
  7. Curtain Containment Transect Maps (Proposed) Page- Site specific spring 2009 herbicide treatment containment curtain proposal maps and data.
    1. Rationale and Summary
    2. Compiled Transects
    3. May Survey
    4. April Survey
    5. February Survey
  8. Curtain Containment Leakage Testing Page- Proposals and materials for determining water exchange rates in curtain contained areas.
  9. ELPOI Page- The most recent documents from the Eagle Lake Property Owners that the organization feels may intrest you.
  10. ELPOI Web Cameras Select Page- Provides time lapse images from 4 location around Eagle Lake. Three of the cameras are located on the North shore, one looks South West towards the causeway, one South East towards Charles Island, one due South, a fourth is on the South shore by Ti Bay and looks North West.
  11. Environmental Issues Page- a resource of documents related to general and specific environmental issues that are or might affect lakes in the Adirondacks and beyond. This includes milfoil, zebra mussel, articles about invasives, organizations with educational intrests, what you can do about them, videos about invasives and much more.
    1. Curly Leaf Pondweed Page- Communications regarding plant identification and follow up discussions on possible removal methodologies.
    2. Eagle Lake Community News and Articles about Invasives Page- Various newspaper articles and publications that relate to news about the Eagle Lake community. Also includes articles that have focused on the plight of local lake associations and residents as they battle against invasive species and other lake issues. Most of the articles come from local area news publications in the Adirondack region.
    3. Emerald Ash Borer Information Page- Here you will find information pertaining to the Emerald Ash Borer( Agrilus planipennis) and it's spread across the New York and the United States. It is an invasive winged insect that as its' name implies attacks ash trees in many instances killing them. This invasive can be managed through proper arboricultural treatments given sufficient lead time before the Emerald Ash Borer attacks your trees!
    4. Herbicide Information Page- general and specific information about two of the herbicides (Renovate and Sonar) that are NYS registered for the control of milfoil. MSDS, Product Labels, Environmental Impact Statements, FAQ's, etc.
    5. Lake Management Plans (Eagle Lake) Page- a brief synopsis of the more viable milfoil control methodologies (including benthic barriers, herbicide, hand/mechanical harvesting, etc.) as outlined in the ENSR Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Eagle Lake.
    6. Lake Management Planning Guides Page- General guides to forming a lake management plan as well as management alternatives on other lakes.
    7. Plant Identification Page- Provides resources to help with aquatic/terestrial and native/invasive plant identification.
  12. Fish Stocking Information Page- Data related to fish stocking in Eagle Lake from both the organization and the state.
  13. Funding Sources Page- a listing of the funding souces/grant applications utilized by Eagle Lake for milfoil removal that fall outside of our normal opperating budget.
    1. State
    2. International Paper
  14. Herbicide Information Page- general and specific information about two of the herbicides (Renovate and Sonar) that are NYS registered for the control of milfoil. MSDS, Product Labels, Environmental Impact Statements, FAQ's, etc.
    1. General Product Information and FAQ's
    2. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
    3. Toxicology Reports
    4. Environmental Impact Studies
    5. Fact Sheets
    6. 2013 APA Renovate Public Comments- Supporting Notes Page-Here you will find the Eagle Lake Milfoil Teams comments and supporting documents as they relate to the Adirondack Park Agencies (APA) RASS-1 Call for public comment on the Guidelines for the appropriate Use of the Aquatic Herbicides Renovate and Renovate OTF to Manage Eurasian Water-Milfoil, and Aquatic Invasive Plant.
  15. Invasive Species Eradication Grant 2006 Page- $60,000 match to $30,000 in NYS funds (Request Denied).
  16. Invasive Species Eradication Grant 2007 Page- Files related to the completion of the 2007 NYS DEC Invasive Species Eradication Grant ($55,000 match).
  17. Invasive Species Task Force Page- Detailed information about Eagle Lake's involvement with the Invasive Species Task Force.
  18. Lake Management Planning Guides Page- General guides to forming a lake management plan as well as management alternatives on other lakes.
  19. Lake Management Plans (Eagle Lake) Page- a brief synopsis of the more viable milfoil control methodologies (including benthic barriers, herbicide, hand/mechanical harvesting, etc.) as outlined in the ENSR Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Eagle Lake.
  20. Location Page- Information about Eagle Lake and the surrounding area, including local attractions and news outlets.
  21. Local Lake Associations Page- A list of the lakes that are within a short drive of Eagle Lake and their associated webpages.
  22. Maps of Eagle Lake Page- Maps showing Eagle Lake and the surrounding area, as well as plant distibution maps and proposed treatment locations.
    1. ARGIS- Adirondack Regional Geographic Information System
    2. 1989 Milfoil Distribution- Darrin Fresh Water Institute milfoil location survey from 1989
    3. 1994 Milfoil Distribution- Darrin Fresh Water Institute milfoil location survey from 1994
    4. 2003 GPS Milfoil Survery Page- Essex County NY: Baseline study documenting the location and size of the largest and densest beds of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Eagle Lake (survey data, maps, and results).
    5. 2008 Overlay Map- Tier III plant survey sample locations overlaid on top of the 2003 GPS Milfoil Survey.
    6. 2010 Satellite View of Mats Page- Satellite images which show benthic barrier mats around the lake, while installed on the bottom.
    7. APA Land Cover Maps Page- Page showing the land cover (forest type) classification around Eagle Lake.
    8. APA Land Use Classifications Map Page- Maps defining the land use classifications around Eagle Lake.
    9. APA Permit Maps Page- These maps were created for the purpose of satisfying various questions as part of an APA herbicide appliciation permit.
    10. Eagle Lake Property Maps Page- These maps are created and updated to maintain a visual record of the various properties around the lake and who the current owners are.
    11. Curtain Containment Transect Maps (Proposed) Page- Site specific spring 2009 herbicide treatment containment curtain proposal maps and data.
    12. Forest Preserve Page- DEC and APA maps of the forest preserve around Eagle Lake.
    13. Google Map of Eagle Lake- Interactive scrollable map of the Eagle Lake area.
    14. Historical Maps Page- Maps from the University of New Hampshire Library Digital Collections Initiative, and show maps from the early days of Eagle Lake, showing the locations of old railroads, streets, and mine locations.
    15. Inflow and Outflow Map- Pictorial view showing inlets and outlets on Eagle Lake.
    16. Lake Usage Density Map- Pictorial view of average amount of lake surface area utilized.
    17. Land Use Classifications Page- APA Land use classifications map of Eagle Lake.
    18. NYS Forest Preserve Maps Page- Contains the DEC and APA maps of NYS Forest Preserve lands around Eagle Lake.
    19. Property Map- Map showing the location of residences around Eagle Lake.
    20. Proposed Herbicide Treatment Locations Map Page- map showing those areas on the lake that the dive team feels are outside of the realm of being safely or realistically hand harvested/matted.
    21. USGS Eagle Lake and Graphite Quadrangle Maps Page- 7.5 Minute topographic maps of Eagle Lake area 1973-present.
    22. Ti Bay- Map showing depth, milfoil location, and mat placement.
    23. Vegetation Location Maps Page- 2008 Tier III plant survey sample site locations, showing a representative distribution of plants in Eagle Lake.
    24. Water Intake Locations- Locations of residential water intake locations.
    25. Watershed- Allied Biological map showing the Eagle Lake watershed.
    26. Work Site Maps Page- 2005, 2008, 2009 Visual guide to milfoil eradication locations and removal totals.
  23. Membership Page- Benefits of membership and renewal information.
  24. Milfoil Project Page- A resource of documents related to the removal of milfoil from select sites in Eagle Lake, permit information, general project documents, matting/hand harvesting/herbicide application and general lake documents.
    1. Documents for the Project- General Documents related to getting milfoil removal started
    2. Matting and Hand Harvesting- General and specific documents related to the matting and hand harvesting process in Eagle Lake.
    3. Herbicide Application Information- General and specific documents related to the use of herbicides in Eagle Lake\
    4. Lake Documents- Prior efforts related to the long term removal of milfoil
  25. Ongoing Underwater "Target" Photographic Site Specific Plant Survey Page- Plant survey using a series of underwater photographs to show native plants and milfoil distributions within a "Target Location" at several specific sites in Eagle Lake. The methodology is based on a type of Vermont DEC plant survey.
    1. 2009
      1. 2009 Milfoil Target 0 Page- Forrest Lisle Milfoil Target Location.
      2. 2009 Milfoil Target 1 Page- Ruck Paddack Bay Milfoil Target Location.
      3. 2009 Milfoil Target 2 Page- Causeway North Side Milfoil Target Location
      4. 2009 Milfoil Target 3 Page- Emerich-Tiedemann Property Line Milfoil Target Location
      5. 2009 Milfoil Target 4 Page- Ti Bay South Milfoil Target Location.
    2. 2011
      1. 2011 Milfoil Target 0 Page- Forrest Lisle Milfoil Target Location.
      2. 2011 Milfoil Target 1 Page- Ruck Paddack Bay Milfoil Target Location
      3. 2011 Milfoil Target 2 Page- Causeway North Side Milfoil Target Location
      4. 2011 Milfoil Target 3 Page- No Pictures Taken
      5. 2011 Milfoil Target 4 Page- Ti Bay South Milfoil Target Location.
      6. 2011 Milfoil Targets Video Page- Swim Over Videos from Target Locations 0, 1, 2, and 4.
  26. Past ELPOI Officers Page- A listing of our currently know past officers, the positions they served in, and when they served. Additional information will be added as our historical documents are digitized.
  27. Permits Page- Documents related to the completion of permits towards the maintainence of Eagle Lake as well the permits themselves. Housing removal permits among others.
  28. Photo Albums Page- Links to pages of photographs from Eagle Lake. 1999 to the present, with limited historical photographs from the early 1900's.
    1. 2019- Miscellaneous
    2. 2018- APIPP Spiny Water Flea and Plant Survey, Causeway Abutment Changes, Stephen Lemieux Winter Aerial Drone Images
    3. 2017- Stephen Lemieux Fall Aerial Drone Images, Annual Meeting, Miscellaneous
    4. 2016- Annual Meeting, Miscellaneous
    5. 2015- Miscellaneous
    6. 2014- Sechii Dip In, Annual Meeting, Guard Rail Replacement, Tonya Condon Ice Walk, Miscellaneous
    7. 2013- Fresh Lake Snow, Miscellaneous
    8. 2012- Google Satellite Imagery, Tractor Trailer in Eagle Lake, Loons on Eagle Lake, Annual Meeting, Miscellaneous
    9. 2011- Crown Point Bridge Repair, Hurricane Irene Aftermath, Milfoil Mat Removal, Eagles at Eagle Lake, Miscellaneous
    10. 2010- Eagle Lake Photo Contest, Forest Fire, Rt. 74 Re-paving, Kieth Park Historical Photos, Annual Meeting Photos, Miscelaneous
    11. 2009- Annual Picnic, July 15th Logging Truck Accident, Time Capsule Discovery, February Fox Island Depth Profile, Miscellaneous
    12. 2008- July 10th Milfoil Removal, Loons on Eagle Lake, Milfoil Project Pictures, Tier III Plant Survey (Allied Biological), Mat Assembly, Miscellaneous
    13. 2007- Annual Picnic, Eagle Lake Regatta, Ben Hunter Culvert Repair, Barrel Removal, Miscellaneous
    14. 2006- Glen Sullivan Surveys the Lake, Milfoil Supplies, Vermont Invasives Sign age, Ariel Photos of Eagle Lake
    15. 2005- October Milfoil Dive, December "Key Players" Meeting
    16. 2003- Adopt A Natural Resource, Miscellaneous
    17. 2001- Army Corps of Engineers July Visit, Miscellaneous
    18. 2000- "Poster Child" Pictures, Miscellaneous
    19. 1999- August Board Meeting, Bo Burns (SEPRO) Sonar Presentation
    20. 1993- Eagle Lake Paper Truck Accidents #1 and 2
    21. Historical-
      1. Donelly-Cullinan-Shultz Historical Photo Page- various images from the earlier days of Eagle Lake supplied by the Donnelly's, Shultz's and Cullinan's. These photos are all of the same property and were taken/found at the residence as it has changed hands over the years.
      2. Donelly-Cullinan-Shultz- Book 1 of Familiar Noises Page- various images on Eagle Lake supplied by the Donnelly's Shultz's and Cullinan's. These photos chronicle their visit to Eagle Lake in October 1941.
      3. Donelly-Cullinan-Shultz- Book 2 of Familiar Noises Page- various images on Eagle Lake supplied by the Donnelly's Shultz's and Cullinan's. These photos chronicle their visit to Eagle Lake in October 1942.
      4. Donelly-Cullinan-Shultz- Book 3 of Familiar Noises Page- various images on Eagle Lake supplied by the Donnelly's Shultz's and Cullinan's. These photos chronicle their visit to Eagle Lake in October 1943.
      5. Harris History Book
      6. Keith Park Historical Photos Page- Several pictures that I have from my childhood time spending summers at Eagle Lake.
      7. Runge's Post Card Collection
      8. Tiedemann Black Book Photos Page 1 of 2- Here you will find a collection of photos belonging to the Tiedemann family relating to Eagle Lake and their camp (Camp Touchstone) from the late 1890s through the early 1900s. These photos come from the black photo album book 1 of 2.
      9. Tiedemann Black Book #2 Photos Page 2 of 2- Here you will find a collection of photos belonging to the Tiedemann family relating to Eagle Lake and their camp (Camp Touchstone) from the late 1890s through the early 1900s. These photos come from the second black photo album book 2 of 2.
      10. Tiedemann Historic Loose Photos Page- a collection of loose images belonging to the Tiedemann family relating to Eagle Lake and their camp (Camp Touchstone) from the late 1890s through the early 1900s.
      11. Tiedemann Historic Photos Page- Several pictures that have been found by the Tiedemann family of their camp and the Ben Hunter farm.
      12. Tiedemann Pink Book Photos Page- here you will find a collection of photos belonging to the Tiedemann family relating to Eagle Lake and their camp (Camp Touchstone) from the late 1890s through the early 1900s. These photos come from their pink photo album book.
      13. Miscellaneous
  29. Plant Identification Page- Provides resources to help with aquatic/terestrial and native/invasive plant identification.
  30. Plant Surveys (Eagle Lake) Page- Surveys of Eagle Lake that studied either individually or in combination the location and distribution of native vegetation or the locations and distributions of the invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil.
  31. Pre and Post Treatment Plant Survey Page- a compilation of documents that have been found on the internet or provided by applicators or lake managers related to the application of the herbicide Renovate.
    1. New York
    2. Vermont
    3. Others
  32. Sponsorship Page- A list of people and businesses that are currently supporting the ELPOI. Benefits of sponsorship, what your sponsorship does, and how to become a sponsor.
    1. Our Sponsors
    2. Sponsor Descriptions
    3. Benefits and How to Become a Sponsor
  33. Quarterly Reports (DEC) Page- Quarterly update reports for the Aquatic Invasive Species Eradication Grant.
  34. Recent Events
    1. 2010 Page
    2. 2009 Page
    3. 2008 Page
  35. Site Map Page- This page listing alphabetically the various pages of the eaglelake1.org web site.
  36. Turbidity Curtains Page- Information related to materials, costs, deployments, and accessories that can be used for creating a lake within a lake.
  37. Videos from Eagle Lake Page- Videos documenting milfoil and the removal process along with other videos relating to Eagle Lake.
    1. Dodge Journey Hidden Vehicle Giveaway- Featuring a drive by of Eagle Lake.
    2. Eagle Lake Webcams- A live video feed and still images timelapse from Eagle Lake (the current view is looking south at the causeway.
    3. Hand Harvesting and Matting Video Page- 2008 video of mat placement and hand harvesting operations in Eagle Lake
    4. Milfoil in Eagle Lake Video Page- 2006 video documenting an in the water view of the milfoil problem at select locations in Eagle Lake.
    5. Milfoil Patch Swim Around Video Page- 2008 video that is designed to be an educational tool to illustrate just how much of a problem the milfoil is in Eagle Lake, as well as to illustrate the dense mono cultures that exsist in the lake.
    6. Non Eagle Lake Milfoil/Invasives Videos- (Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers: Clean, Drain, Dry By: Lake George Association) and (Lake Defenders" A Public Television Documentary By: Mountain Lake PBS)
    7. NYinvasives- Youtube Video channel.
  38. Welcome Page- Brief facts and synopsis of Eagle Lake
  39. What's New Page- Links to files and pages that have been recently added to the eaglelake1.org website sorted by order of most recent addition. This page is primarily intended for people that are returning to the website and are looking to see what has changed since their last visit.
  40. Work Sites Page- 2005, 2008, 2009 Visual guide to milfoil eradication locations and removal totals.
    1. 2008-2009 work sites
    2. 2005 work site