Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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ELPOI Newsletters Page
A collection of our newsletters currently available in electronic form. Beginning in the 1970s, these newsletters are sent out on an annual basis to the membership and interested parties to keep them appraised of ELPOI happenings during the off season. Additional newsletters are sent out during the year as additional events take place. To receive our newsletters, please contact us for more information. More will be added as they become available.

Additional Archival Information


2024-12-12 ELPOI December Newsletter-Boat launch update not litigation, new logo coming, speed signs from the town of Ticonderoga, happy holidays.

2024-11-18 ELPOI_November Newsletter-Loon friendly lake certification, milfoil efforts, radar speed sign update, lake merchandise.

2024-10-28 ELPOI October Newsletter-Boat launch update, barrier installed, loon friendly lake recognition, VSA renewed, milfoil efforts, radar speed sign with the town.

2024-09-19 ELPOI September Newsletter-Boat launch update, end of summer picinic, milfoil efforts continue, rt. 74 traffic concerns, boarting safety certificate requirements coming January 2025.

2024-08-14 August Newsletter- End-of-summer picinic, boat launch update, milfoil news, shoreline cleanup, membership news, newsletter analytics.

2024-07-24 Mid-Summer Newsletter- Membership, boat launch update, proposed ELPOI name change, milfoil meeting, end of season picinic, loon count.

2024-06-20 Summer Newsletter- Annual meeting agenda, boat launch update, milfoil comittee update and fundraiser, ELPOI name change, board members slate, membership renewal, loon count, clean drain dry, eclipse, end of summer picinic, sponsors and thank yous, dam and beaver update.

2024-02-19 Mid-Winter Newsletter- Presidents message, milfoil update, boat launch closure, water testing, loons, beavers and the spillway, new owners update, fundraising, news from the milfoil committee, in memory of, thanks and sponsors.

2023-07-18 Summer Newsletter- Highwater on Eagle Lake update.

2023-06-13 Spring Newsletter- Causeway update, radar speed signs, beaver activity, town water issues, dues survey, officer elections, boat launch support, letter writing, and sandwich boards, news articles, petitions and membership renewal forms.

2023-06-13 Membership Renewal- the current membership renewal form for 2023.

2023-04-09 Spring Newsletter- Boat launch updates and petition, causeway progress and pictures, Northway bridge closure at exit 24.

2022-12-16 Fall Newsletter- The Annual Meeting and Picnic, Officer Elections, Treasurer's Report, Service Organizations donations, Water testing, Water level control and beavers, Volunteer / donation recognition, Fish stocking, Milfoil, Milfoil, Milfoil, Lake cameras, Weather information; snow, temperatures and rainfall, Membership renewals and contact information. Many that are new topics and not so much of a "repeat", such as:, Recognition for 50 years of service, Boat launch status, Causeway reconstruction, Ice eaters and their operation, Lightning strikes and network damage, Grant/ donation request, Fundraising - Etched Glassware, etc., Chilson / Eagle Lake drinking water; status, disconnecting, rate hikes, recent newspaper article.

2022-12-16 News Flash- update following the fall 2022 newsletter with information about a Post Star article about Warren County and lake de-icers, and an update from the NYSDOT about the causeway replacement.

2022-08-29 Labor Day Newsletter- Labor day update, concert, rt 74 causeway, water testing.

2022-07-07 Post Spring Newsletter Update Email- Including Gypsy/Spongy moth, annual meeting dates, APIPP email regarding new invasives.

2022-06-16 Spring Newsletter- Fish stocking, in memoriam, picnic dates, election of officers, causeway project update, adopt-a-highway, rt 74 speed sign survey, Gooseneck pond and the water district proposal, water testing and CSLAP, clean drain dry new boating law, lake levels and beavers, membership report.

December 2021 Newsletter- Weather update, water level and beavers, Ice eaters and winter safety, treasurers report and membership, Gooseneck Pond water and the water district, water test results, causeway project, summer drone photos.

May 2021 Newsletter-Crown Point Bay Clean Up, Loon Count, CSLAP, Annual Meeting and Picinic, Treasurer's Report, Board Activities, Dam/Beavers/Lake Level, Gooseneck Water Line Replacement, The Causeway Project, In Memory, Rt 74 Cleanup, Chilson VFD, Invasive Species, Milfoil Conditions, Drone Photos.

May 2020 Newsletter- Covid-19 Concerns, Annual Meeting and Picinic, Treasurers Report, Dam Beavers and Lake Level, Water Quality, International Paper Grant, Fish Stocking, Boat Launch and the Beach, Causeway Update, Website Updates, Gooseneck water Line Replacement, Adopt a Highway, Chip Truck Accident, Winter Wind and Ice Storms, Sponsors and Membership Renewal.


June 2019 Newsletter- Boat launch and Crown Point Bay Issues, causeway reconstruction, annual meeting and picnic notice, officer elections, Gooseneck and Route 74 water issues, Tonya and 20 years of adopt-a-highway, water test results, highway speed enforcement and radar speed signs, invasives and decontamination, fish stocking, ticks and Lyme disease, database information verification, membership renewal form, sponsorships.

May 2018 Newsletter- Jack Mulchahy milestone, Bill Zito performance, annual meeting dates, well wishes, the beach, beavers and water quality, new property map, speeding on rt. 74, new invasive species, membership renewal, warning about causeway.

June 2017 Newsletter- Adopt-A-Highway, annual meeting dates, fire safety, invasive species, campground issues, maintaining the lake level, countering beaver activity,water testing, sponsors, membership renewal.

June 2016 Newsletter- Adopt-A-Highway, annual meeting dates, maintaining the lake level, countering beaver activity, maintaining the beach, curly leaf pondweed, milfoil project, rt 74 speeders, sponsors, membership renewal.

June 2015 Newsletter- Adopt-A-Highway, milfoil project progress, maintaining the beach and lake level, annual meeting date, Clean-Drain-Dry, eaglelake1.org sponsorship, boating rules, and membership renewal.

May 2014 Newsletter-Adopt-A-Highway cleanup, board member reduction from 9 to 7 vote, call for a treasurer, milfoil project summary, clean-drain-dry imitative, boater speed safety rules, truck rollover sign installed, Ticonderoga water project update, CSLAP and water testing results, ELPOI sponsors, glassware and t-shirt orders, and membership renewal.

June 2013 Newsletter- Special message from the board, 2012 annual meeting summary, truck in the lake, milfoil project news, lake maintenance notes (CSLAP, water level, beavers, Adopt-a-Highway), new mailing address, dry hydrant site locations request, invasive species news, website updates, and membership renewal.

June 2012 Newsletter- Picnic date change, milfoil progress report, loons on eagle lake, adopt-a-highway milestone, lake level, beavers and maintaining the beach, web site updates, lake friendly living tips, membership renewal, and more.

December 2011 Newsletter- Milfoil petition, annual meeting summary, mat removal, hurricane Irene, "On Fishing Tournaments," beaver dam updates.

June 2011 Newsletter: Annual meeting preview, membership renewal, milfoil project updates, Lake Fairlee Vermont information, Emerald Ash Borer week, beavers update, SS Ticonderoga, and in memory of Teresa Smith.

June 2011: Membership renewal form

November 2010 Newsletter: July meeting summary, milfoil project status update, permit process update, photo contest winner, terrestial invaders around the lake (Emerald Ash Borer and Asian Longhorn Beetle), beavers and lake level, Rt 74 paving, brief history of the backside of Eagle Lake. Web Links featured in the newsletter (Knob Pond: History of Hammondville and Beetle Detectives: Beetle identification information)

November 2010: Membership renewal form

June 2010 Newsletter: Lake Luzerne Renovate OTF treatment, Eagle Lake milfoil project update, forest fire on Eagle Lake , Canada Goose issues, and boater safety information.

June 2010: Membership renewal form


November 2009 Newsletter: A year in review

April 2009 Newsletter: ELPOI milfoil project update

September 2008 (Quiet Water's Update) ADK Explorer Let's hear it for Quiet Waters! Effort to add lakes to motor boat free status in the St. Regis Canoe Area Jan. 2009 Adirondack Explorer

September 2008

May 2008 Newsletter (membership renewal)

April 2008: Tonya flies a kite, call for action/pledges, volunteers needed, three year project plan, NYS changes herbicide preference (Renovate), research by ELPOI members, invasives of all types, historical records, special event (sailing regatta), in memory, pledge form

February 2008: Celebrating 100 years, commemorative items, milfoil buoy markers, milfoil test mat, barrels found in lake, Ben Hunter road repair, highway cleanup, beavers activity at the spillway, misuse of personal water craft.

April 2007: Color snapshots page, Senator Little meeting review, mat material donation, International Paper Grant check acceptance, 2005 milfoil dive report, 2006 Invasive Species Grant rejection, 2007 Eradication plan call for support, ELPOI 100 years old, annual meeting notice, membership renewal notice.

6-03-2006 Invasive Species Awareness Week (ISAW) Response Letter: ELPOI disappointment and action plan for 2006 invasive Species grant denial

August 2006: Follow up to residents about the Senator Little meeting to move forward, request for continued resident support.

April 2006

January 2006: Grant application details, cash/labor pledge form, labor tracking, membership renewal.

November 2005

October 24, 2003: Early snow, dam boards, milfoil growth and GPS survey, attendance at Adirondacks Water Quality Conference, presentations reviews, state grant still available, water test for E-Coli results, by-laws change suggested.

December 2002: Lake level, Lake George Sonar Project, APA decision still pending, E-Coli water test results, International Paper grant received, membership count.

May 2002: Newsletter and membership renewal (when available)

March 2002 Email Update: to lake residents, Times of Ti article re: Lake George Sonar, Army Corps report delayed, membership renewal, lake survey results being compiled, mailing list updated with 911 information, International Paper grant can use ELPOI volunteer labor as assets, International Paper Grant planned uses, ELPOI asked to participate on APA advisory panel for invasives, welcome to new Ticonderoga Town Supervisor, seeking new officers.

March 2002 Mail Update: to lake residents, Times of Ti article re: Lake George Sonar, Army Corps report delayed, membership renewal, lake survey results being compiled, mailing list updated with 911 information, International Paper grant can use ELPOI volunteer labor as assets, International Paper Grant planned uses, ELPOI asked to participate on APA advisory panel for invasives, welcome to new Ticonderoga Town Supervisor, seeking new officers.

June 2001 Lake Use Survey Results- Results of the Survey of lake residents and community on lake use and management options

June 19, 2001: Newsletter (membership renewal), a president's message, lake management survey, army corp visit planning, web page hosting moved, Acentria Moths, , call for officers, Adopt-A-Natural Resource agreement in place, International Paper grant received, beach sign board complete, end of season social gathering, highlights of the July 2000 annual meeting.

June 18, 2001 Cover letter to residents regarding lake use and management

June 18, 2001 Survey of lake residents and community on lake use and management options

May 1, 2001 Updates- heavy winter snow damage, ARC membership, ELPOI membership growth, International Paper grant application, beaver dams, call for officers

June, 2000 Newsletter Part II: 1999 annual meeting highlights, officers elected, treasures report, committee reports, board of directors meeting minutes, annual resolutions, adopt-a-natural resource agreement to keep lake level between +/- 4" of zero.

May, 2000: Presidents message, property owners update map, supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS), letter writing to officials for funding support, sweat shirt sales, septic dye testing a success, members pledge support, round table discussion with Sonar representative, road speed check, Hurricane Floyd, safe boating and personal watercraft, call for history


June 21, 1999 newsletter to lake residents with updates about the septic dye testing project and other news.

June 21, 1999 Weed and Pollution Control Dye Testing Action Needed Letter: letter to residents with information about septic system dye testing project and other news. Along with an April 1999 letter from the town of Ticonderoga code enforcement officer re dye testing procedures

June 1999 Waste Management Form: Form identifying lake residents onsite waste water management. As sent with the June 21 letter to lake residents.

March 1999 newsletter with annual meeting minutes from 1997 and 1998, plus board meeting minutes from 1998.

1998: events from 1998 were reported to the membership in the March 1999 newsletter as no communications were sent during 1998

1997: events from 1997 were reported to the membership in the March 1999 newsletter.

November 23, 1997: Letter from the ELPOI board to property owners re: in kind dollar pledge request.

March 11,1997: Last board meeting summary; lack of funding for Sonar prevents treatment this year, Sonar supplemental label.

July 1, 1996: Letter to lake residents with waste water management forms and general updates for the Sonar demonstration project.

May 1996: DEC commissioner appoints a person to coordinate DEC/APA invasives efforts, annual meeting minutes highlights; election of officers, treasures report, board meeting minutes, search for grant funding, septic dye testing, COLAM update, board meeting updates.

May 1995: 94 annual meeting highlights; officer election, treasurers report, committee reports- septic dye test on hold, fish die off, Sonar generic environmental impact statement for product registration, federal government EMAP lake assessment, new road signs, Adopt-A-Highway consideration, Eagle Lake Sonar application permit on hold, attorney Mr. Kral working with the ELPOI, legal defense funding.

August 26, 1994 Response from intention to use Sonar survey vote of "overwhelmingly in favor of proceeding" and request for pledges letter)

July 25, 1994 Intention to use Sonar survey letter plus Sonar information sheet

May 1994: Announcement of being incorporated, officers elected, treasures report, committee reports, expanded water testing, new 911 emergency phone number available, recycling for plastic, Sonar vote unanimously approved, liability insurance, COLAM conference, fire department structure survey, copy of Senator Stafford bill for invasives.

May 1993: Letter to property owners, COLAM update, and Zebra Mussel information

January 1993: Annual meeting highlights, officer elections, treasures report, committee reports, board meeting highlights, COLAM formation announcement made in "Waterworks" NYS FOLA newsletter.


June 25, 1989: Letter to property owners; milfoil officially identified, proposed lake survey funding sought, annual meeting highlights, officer elections, treasures report, beach committee report, and milfoil education materials.

1985 Newsletter- Bill Donnellys report to the membership

June 9, 1982: Letter to membership; meeting notice, poor spring fishing, Crown Point beach camping, Rt. 74 possible construction

June 3, 1980: Letter to members and friends; possible cause of algae growth and need to complete sanitary survey. See our Communications page for the complete discussion prompting the newsletter.

October 10, 1979: Letter to membership concerning blue green algae being finally identified in Eagle Lake. This algae is determined as "good algae." See our Water Quality page for more information.