Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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Plant Identification (Aquatic and Terrestrial) Page
This page focuses primarily on the aquatic plant identification and aquatic invasive's that are either threatening the lake currently (i.e. they are in neighboring lakes) or that will be threatening us directly in the next few years (i.e. they are already in the North East); as well as those invasive's that are sadly already in Eagle Lake.

  • Plant Surveys (Eagle Lake) Page- Surveys of Eagle Lake that studied either individually or in combination the location and distribution of native vegetation or the locations and distributions of the invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil.
Pictorial Guide to Plants in Eagle Lake (Based on 1998 Survey )(4mb)
Aquatics Invasive's Identification
European Frog-Bit Fact Sheet- New York State Sea Grant information about European Frog-bit
Water Chestnut
Water Chestnut Fact Sheet- New York State Sea Grant information about European Water Chestnut

Didymo (A.K.A. Rock Snot)- New Hampshire DES informational web site
Didymo Fact Sheet- New Hampshire DES FAQ's publication
Didymo Distribution MAP- Vermont and New Hampshire

Eurasian Watermilfoil- facts and herbivore activity in NY by NYS Seagrant
Hydrilla- "One of the world's worst aquatic invasive plants"
Not Wanted- "Hydrilla verticillata" in the Cayuga Inlet. NY Invasive Species Clearinghouse
Hydrilla verticillata- What Marinas Need to Know
Not Wanted- a 6-panel, tri-fold brochure for use educating boaters, shoreline property owners, anglers, and other water recreators regarding the prevention of spread of the invasive water week Hydrilla.
Aquatic Plants: The Good & The Bad" "Invasive Weed Identification Guide- Weeds Watch Out! is an education and outreach program that will help to control the spread of invasive aquatic plant species into, within, and from the Oswego River Basin, a sub-basin of Lake Ontario.
Aquatic Invasive Plants Fact Sheet- New York State Seagrant's web site with information about aquatic invasive's
Maine Field Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants and Their Look alike's- 160 page pictorial reference of Invasive Aquatic Plants, also available for purchase in paper copy here.
Allied Biological Plant Identification- Invasive and Native Plants by common and scientific name (Common to the Northeast)
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants- University of Florida Aquatic Wetland and Invasive Plant Guide Scientific Name, Common Name and Line Drawing
NYS Sea Grant Invasive Species List New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse
North East Aquatic Plant Management Society Slide show of Plant Displays from the 2008 NEAPMS Plant Workshop


Terrestrial Plant Identification
A Guide to Nonnative Invasive Plants: Inventoried in the North by Forest Inventory Analysis (10mb) USDA. For the most up to date version please see the US Forest Service web site
Invasive Plants Field and Reference Guide: An Ecological Perspective of Plant Invaders of Forests and Woodlands (1mb) USDA. For the most up to date version please see the US Forest Service web site