Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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Septic Dye Testing Page
The ELPOI embarked on a project in 1999 to test residents septic systems for evidence of failure. This was done with the intent to counter arguments that failing septic systems were loading the lake with nutrients. A department of state grant provided the funding to complete the project, along with $7,500 dollars in in kind services from the town of Ticonderoga.
Septic Dye Testing
Septic Dye Test Results Map
(Due to the presence of personal information these files require a password to access)
Septic Dye Test Map
For a .pdf version of this map click here.


March 2000 Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems Testing Summary Report: Final report with appendices as submitted to the Department of State (DOS Grant T005770).

1999 Waste Water Survey- Individual Property Test Results: contact the organization for permission to view this file. Results are also on file with the respective town building and code enforcement departments.(Due to the presence of personal information these files require a password to access)

July 1999 Septic Dye Test Confirmation Letter: Notification of passing from the town of Ticonderoga code enforcement officer.

June 21, 1999 newsletter to lake residents with updates about the septic dye testing project and other news.

June 21, 1999 Weed and Pollution Control Dye Testing Action Needed Letter: letter to residents with information about septic system dye testing project and other news. Along with an April 1999 letter from the town of Ticonderoga code enforcement officer re dye testing procedures.

June 1999 Waste Management Form: Form identifying lake residents onsite waste water management. As sent with the June 21 letter to lake residents.

July 1, 1996: Letter to lake residents with waste water management forms and general updates for the SONAR demonstration project.

1993 Ticonderoga Law: Regulation of Private Waste Disposal.

1992-10-23: Letter and petitions in support of Private Waste Disposal

1989-09-11: Stevens to Allen re telling RPI about the 1978 algae problem

1987-07-17: Stevens to Donelly re algae and septic testing

1981: Septic Testing Presentation information letter.

1981-04-03: Letter to Herbst re: Septic Testing Presentation

1980-5-29: Letter to members that lake pollution suggest septic testing

1979: Blue Green Algae source might be caused by leaking septic systems
For a full list of the correspondences sent please see our Communications Page


4 separate brochures describing onsite septic system maintenance produced by the National Environmental Services Center (NESC)

For additional information about drinking water and waste water see the NESC web site.