Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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Annual Meeting Minutes Page
A collection of our annual meeting minutes currently available in electronic form. More will be added as they become available. The ELPOI annual membership meeting is usually held in July, with additional member meetings held as the need arises.

Additional Archival Information


2024-07-13 Annual Meeting

2023-07-08 Annual Meeting Minutes- Treasure's report, fish stocking, water quality and testing, website, beaver issues, radar speed signs, causeway bridge and lighting, loon report, boat launch closure, post cards and go fund me, sign campaign. There is also an audio recording available here, and you can watch the entire meeting here. Photos from the annual meeting are available here.

2023-07-08 Annual Meeting- Agenda.

2022-07-09 Annual Meeting Minutes- General Business, Volunteers Needed, Treasurers Rreport, Gooseeck Water System decommissioning, Fish Stocking, Beaver Issues, Older Business, Causeway Replacement, Hammond Pond UMP update, Clean-Drain-Dry, Miscellaneous. Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it.

2021-07-03 Annual Meeting Minutes- Miscellaneous Lake Issues, Water Quality, Speed Signs, New Business, Gooseneck Water Issues (incorrectly dated as 2019). Watch the entire meeting recording.

July 2020 ELPOI Annual meeting cancelled due to concerns over Covid-19, see minutes from Board Meeting 2020-7-11 for topics that were and would have been discussed at Annual Meeting. At the board meeting there was discussion of doing a monthly detailed single subject email notice to all members.

2019-07-06 Annual Meeting- Past Year Issues, Treasures Report, Fish Stocking, Water Testing, Lake Business, Adopt a Highway, Misc. Photos from the annual meeting are available here.

2018-07-07 Annual Meeting DRAFT- ELPOI Board Report, Treasures Report, New Property Owners Map, Highway Items, Boat Washing Station, Lake Doings, Old Business, Miscellaneous.

2017-07-08 Annual Meeting Minutes DRAFT- Rt. 74 traffic issues, treasures report, radar signs on eagle lake discussion, fish stocking, invasive species, lake level and beaver issues, elpoi webcams. Final version when available.

7-16-2016 Annual Meeting Minutes- Mission statement, Officer Elections, Treasurers Report, Membership Stats, Adopt-A- Highway, Fish Stocking, Lake Level, Invasive Species, Lake use Issues, Radar Speed Signs.

7-16-2016 Annual Meeting- proposed agenda

7-18-2015 Annual Meeting Minutes DRAFT- mission statement reading, welcome new members/ property owners, reading/ approval of 2014 annual meeting minutes, election of officers, treasurers report, water testing, beach camping issues, items for sale for fund raising, rt 74 speed issues, adopt a highway status and thanks, Web cam hosting thanks, fish stocking report, invasives status- new and old, beaver activity, old ELPOI records archiving, 2016 meeting date

2014 Annual Meeting Minutes DRAFT- final version when available.

7-5-2013 Annual Meeting Minutes-Board report, nominations/elections, treasures report, adopt-a-highway, fish stocking, water quality.

7-7-2012 Annual Meeting Minutes- Celebrating 105 years, mission statement read, Annual report, Treasurer's report, proposed budget, Approved 2011 minutes, Ti well drilling, Election of officers, Adopt-A-Highway, Fish Stocking, Water quality, Dam and Beavers, Old Business, Geese, Causeway bridge, milfoil project, web page ads/ sponsorship, zebra mussels.

7-7-2012 Annual Meeting- Proposed agenda.

7-9-2011 DRAFT Annual Meeting Minutes- Agenda, nominations, membership, adopt-a-highway, milfoil project update, water quality.

7-10-2010 Annual Meeting Minutes- Annual report, reviewed and approved the 2009 annual meeting minutes, nominations and elections, treasurers report, membership report, adopt-a-highway and neighborhood watch, fish stocking, water quality, old business (signs, milfoil project), new business (forest/grass fire, Ticondergoa rezoning, new invasives?).

7-10-2010- Annual Meeting Minutes Draft

July 10,2010- Meeting hand outs (2009 Annual Meeting minutes, 2009-2010 Financial Report, Neighborhood Watch information, Annual Resolution and 2010 Meeting Agenda)


July 11, 2009: Annual meeting minutes (As presented at the 2010 annual meeting)

July 11, 2009: Annual meeting agenda.

July 11, 2009: Annual Resolution, Mission Statement

July 12, 2008: As presented to the membership at the July 11, 2009 annual meeting.

July 12, 2008: Proposed agenda and mission statement, annual resolution

July 7, 2007: ELPOI Centennial, Postcards/Mugs Fundraiser, Ti Historical Society has first 30 years of minutes, New Adopt-a-Highway signs, Senate Initiative, Invasive Species Grant

July 15, 2006: Annual Resolution, Hand Harvesting Report, Key Players meeting, 2006 Invasive Species Grant, Mill-wire Donation, Milfoil and Plant Identification Sheets,

July 9, 2005: proposed agenda (meeting minutes when available)

July 10, 2004(Draft): Memberships clarification, GPS Survey, Neighborhood Watch signs, Membership list use limited, Crown Point to administer Stafford funds.

July 12, 2003(Draft): GPS Purchase, By-Laws revisions accepted, Board size reduction from 6 to 5, 3 beavers removed.

07-12-2003 Annual Resolution- Change of ELPOI bank to Charter 1 in Ticonderoga.

07-06-2002 Annual Meeting Minutes DRAFT- Treasures report, commitees, lake use survey results, Hilary Oles guest speaker.

2002 Executive Summary- Information about lake water quality and disolved mineral content.

July 7, 2001 Annual Meeting: Diver Lake CLean-up, IP grant, Web page Creation, New Sign Board, By-Laws review started

July 8, 2000 Annual Meeting: Septic Dye Test Results, Entrance into CSLAP, withdrawal from COLAM, FOLA conference, RT.74 construction, and Moths


July 10, 1999: Annual meeting minutes draft

July 11, 1998 Annual Meeting: Minutes distributed as part of the March 1999 newsletter.

July 12, 1997 Annual Meeting Minutes: distributed as part of the March 1999 newsletter.

1996 Annual Resolution: Responsibility tasking to the officers

8-26-1995 Special membership meeting- Quorum verification, review/revised and formal adoption of bylaws for incorporation as the ELPOI, raising of the dues, status of milfoil,treasurers report, ground rules for voting, solicitation of membership for donations for creation of a milfoil fund, completed survey of Eagle Lake property owners for interest in use of SONAR, authorization to spend funds related to tax exempt status, grant application status for additional funding, costs anticipated with SONAR use, how to cover costs, water use restrictions, impacts to non target plants, previous 10 year milfoil history, and motion to adopt bylaws with proposed revisions made and carried.

7-8-1995 Annual Meeting Minutes- New member welcome, quorum verification, moment of silence, prior minutes reading, treasures's report, committee reports (Rt. 74, Weed and Pollution, Water Level, Fish Stocking, Membership, Education) water use survey update, weevil update, set up of new corporation bylaws, insurance, Adopt-A-Highway initiated, annual contributions, election of officers, location and time of next meeting.

August 20, 1994 Special membership meeting: (when available) notification provided 7-7-1994.

Additional Years: when available


Additional Years: when available

July 15,1986-Lake resident proposition for assesing lake level pending DEC building new dam.

July 5,1986- Annual meeting minutes.


August 8, 1970: (when available)

August 8, 1970: Annual meeting notice.


August 4, 1951- Treasurers report, fishing conditions and stocking, work on outlet dam, general lake usage (boat speed, beach conditions).

1907-1935 Meeting Minutes Page- Preorganizational information letter, annual meeting minutes, membership list.

Additional Years: when available