Next Milfoil Committe Meeting: August 24 2024 at 3pm at the Chilson Firehouse Pavilion.
A Word From Our Sponsors
A Word From Our Sponsors
A Word From Our Sponsors
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Contact the ELPOI:
Have questions, concerns, comments, web site additions/corrections, or other updates that can't wait until the annual meeting; or perhaps you are looking for more information or a progress update? Send them to us and we will get back to you as soon possible!
  • Past ELPOI Officers Page- A listing of our currently know past officers, the positions they served in, and when they served. Additional information will be added as our historical documents are digitized.
Board of Directors for
Officers for
  • Dave Cerny (7/25)
  • Jack Mulcahy (7/25)
  • Bill Clifton (7/27)
  • President- Cole Hickland
  • Vice President- Chris Hyde
  • Secretary- Debbie Meier
  • Treasurer- Susan Clark

Click Here Information about membership benefits or renewal information for the ELPOI Click Here
Click Here New Resident/Homeowner Welcome Letter Click Here

Send Us Mail Call Us Send Us Email
C/O Keith Park
31 Barkwood Ln
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Please Email us with a request for a phone number and we will graciously send one to you.

For Contact With Our Organization
Email: Keith Park or Jack Mulchahy

For Web Page Additions/Corrections