Next Milfoil Committe Meeting: August 24 2024 at 3pm at the Chilson Firehouse Pavilion.
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Eagle Lake Videos Page
Here you will find links to video's of some of the projects in Eagle Lake working towards our goal of education about and control of milfoil as well as other videos created for/about and relating to Eagle Lake.
  • ELPOI Web Cameras Select Page- Provides time lapse images from 4 location around Eagle Lake. Three of the cameras are located on the North shore, one looks South West towards the causeway, one South East towards Charles Island, one due South, a fourth is on the South shore by Ti Bay and looks North West.
  • Photo Albums Page- Links to pages of photographs from Eagle Lake. 1999 to the present, with limited historical photographs from the early 1900's.
2024-05-10 through 2024-05-11 Northern Lights

2024 Ice Out Videos

2024 Herd Point Ice Out 2024 Park Boathouse Ice Out
2024 Conklins Island Ice Out 2024 Ti Bay Ice Out



2023 Ice In Videos

2023 Herd Point Ice In 2023 Conklins Island Ice In
2023 Park Boathouse Ice In 2023 Ti Bay Ice In
2023 Causeway Ice In
2023 Annual Meeting
2023 Causeway Replacement Videos Additional Images Here
More When Available

2023 Ice Out Videos

2023-04-13 Eagle Lake Ice Out- Email to membership regarding the ice out date and pictures.

2023 Herd Point Ice Out 2023 Tiedemann Boathouse Ice Out
2023 Park Boathouse Ice Out 2023 Ti Bay Ice Out
2023 Conklins Island Ice Out
2023 CSLAP Water Testing Sample Collection



2021 Annual Meeting

2021 Ice Out Videos
2021 Park Boathouse Ice Out 2021 Ti Bay Ice Out
2021 Herd Point Ice Out


2018 Causeway Abutment Repair Videos

Above Water View Underwater View


2017 Lunkerville
Fishing Trip on Eagle Lake

(Unfortunately These Videos are No Longer Available)
Lunkerville: "Cool Hand Luke - Part One" Lunkerville: "Cool Hand Luke - Part Two"
Unfortunately this video is no longer available Unfortunately this video is no longer available


Eagle Lake Webcam "Videos"
Fog Over the Ice "Video" 1-14-2014
Moon Setting Over the Ice "Video" 1-09-2014
Fog Over the Ice Animation Moon Rise Animation
Ice Out Videos

Ice Out April 6, 2020

Camera 1 Camera 2
Camera 3 Camera 4


Ice Out April 15, 2019
Ice Out "Video" April 21, 2014 Ice Out "Video" April 18, 2013
Ice Out Animation


NYinvasives Channel on YouTube
This morning we are pleased to announce the NYinvasives Channel on YouTube where all past presentations from our NY Invasive Species Speaker Series are now available. Visit and become a subscriber. Subscribers will be alerted as new material is posted. The posted presentations only contain the featured presentation - the PRISM round-robin and Q&A will still be available via the recorded WebEx link for those who want to hear a call in its entirety. Please share the NYinvasives YouTube Channel link with your partners and invite them to learn more about the great work being done in New York to combat invasive species.


Dodge Journey Hidden Vehicle Giveaway (Featuring Eagle Lake)
As part of a marketing campaign, Dodge decided to give away 3 of their new "Journey" vehicles, each hiddden in a different part of the United States. The one hidden on the east coast was originally supposed to be hidden near Mt. Independence in Vermont, with Eagle Lake making a prominent appearance around the 15 second mark in the last of the video clues release by Dodge.


Milfoil Videos (Made by the ELPOI)
Milfoil Targets Videos
Hand Harvesting
Hand Harvesting
Milfoil in Eagle Lake
Milfoil Patch Swim Over
Patch Swim Over
Milfoil in Eagle Lake 2006
Milfoil in Eagle Lake
Milfoil in Eagle Lake 2018
Milfoil in Eagle Lake Summer 2018 Video



Non ELPOI Milfoil/Invasives Videos
Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers: Clean, Drain, Dry
By: Lake George Association
"Lake Defenders" A Public Television Documentary
By: Mountain Lake PBS
DEC Collection of Winter Water Samples Video in NY Finger Lakes Region NYSDEC
Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species