Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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Board Meeting Minutes Page
A collection of our board meeting minutes currently available in electronic form. More will be added as they become available. The board meets on an as needed basis to address the business needs of the association.

Additional Archival Information


2023-11-28 Board Meeting Minutes- General updates on boat launch changes.

2023-07-30 Board Meeting Minutes- Followup on Government Contacts, Donations, Henry Bartlett contacts, ELPOI Website, GoFundMe Update, Member Letters, Post Cards, Treasures Report, Picinic at the Beach, Fecal/Water Testing, Sign Campaign, Lake Level, Boat Launch Plan, Facebook.

2023-07-08 Board Meeting- Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access).

2023-05-29 Board Meeting Part 2- Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access).

2023-05-29 Board Meeting Part 1- Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access).

2023-3-16 Board Meeting Minutes Meeting #2 with Attorney Ed Fitzgerald- Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. Regarding the status of the Eagle Lake Boat Launch. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access).

2023-02-27 Board Meeting Minutes Meeting #1 with Attorney Ed Fitzgerald- Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. Regarding the status of the Eagle Lake Boat Launch. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access). when available.

2023-02-17 Board Meeting Minutes- Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. Regarding the status of the Eagle Lake Boat Launch. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access).

2023-02-04 Board Meeting Minutes- Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. Regarding the status of the Eagle Lake Boat Launch. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access).

2023-02-01 APA/DEC/ELPOI Meeting Minutes- Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. Regarding the status of the Eagle Lake Boat Launch. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access).

2023-01-18 Email to the Board- of recent and historic details for reasons to continue CSLAP testing by R. Tiedemann.

2022-09-03 Board Meeting Minutes- Beaver Update, Newsletter, Lake Level, Causeway Construction, Radar Signs, Treasurers Update, Gooseneck Water, UMP Status, Miscellaneous.

2022-06-26 Board Meeting Minutes- Business for annual meeting, Lake Level, Causeway, Beach Campground and UMP, Gooseneck Water, Board and Officers. Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access).

2021-08-29 Board Meeting Minutes- Causeway Update, Adopt a Highway, Beaver Update, Welcome process for new residents, Water Issues along Rt. 74, Treasures Report, Water Testing, Radar speed signs and Dry Hydrant, VSA agreements, UPM and boat launch and beach plans, Miscellaneous, Available as an audio recording and as an A.I. generated transcription if you would prefer to read it. (This file contains personal information, please contact us for access.)

2020-07-11 Board Meeting Minutes- Election of Officers by response from mailing to membership, Treasurer's Report year end report, 2020 income/ membership count report, Motions to continue donations to local emergency groups, Motion to continue banking at Community Bank NA, Sharing of membership communications list, Causeway reconstruction, Radar speed signs, Dry Hydrant, Traffic speed study foil request, survey of lake boat traffic/ car count at boat launch, general resident boat launch issues, invasives, follow-up with State DEC and APA as to status of boat launch and beach Unit Management Plan considerations, next Board meeting and 2021 Annual meeting schedule, methods to update residents in lieu of 2020 Annual Meeting

  1. Proposed agenda by Jack M.
  2. Comprehensive agenda from 2019-8 Board Meeting with expanded topics
  3. 2019 meeting minutes and notes by Keith P. that was used as the agenda
  4. Audio recording part 1 of meeting, first 90 minutes
  5. Audio recording part 2 of meeting final 40 minutes
  6. 2020-07-11 ELPOI year end financial statement
  7. 2020-07-11 Income and election results screen capture for Brd. Mtg.
  8. 2020 bank motion to continue service with Community Bank NA
An audio recording of the meeting is currently available. Part 1 as well as Part 2.

2019-8-24 ELPOI Board Meeting Minutes- This meeting covered a very comprehensive list of topics including: Treasurer's report, Database update, invasives news, Website, Recurring issues, Newsletter, Water testing, Causeway project, Radar speed signs.

2019-8-24 Board Meeting Proposed Agenda presented by RT- A detailed list of all topics that are relevant to daily ELPOI operations was presented- this could be used as a template for an operations manual.

2019-03-25 Meeting with DOT- Regarding culvert (causeway) replacement.

2018-09-02 Board Meeting Minutes- Funds and Web Camera, Treasures Report, Emergency Services at the Lake, 2018 Meeting notes, Boat wash station, Invasive species, Causeway Repalcement Project, Invasive Species DEC Lake Survey, General Lake Issues, Donations, Lake Level, Dam, Adopt A Resource, Rt. 74 Speed Enforcement.

9-3-2017 Board Meeting Minutes- Invasive Species, Treasurers Report, Property Map, Mailing List Updates, Membership Dues Reminder, Traffic, Lake Level, Beavers, Buoy's, Winter Web Camera Operation, ALA Meeting, Water Testing, Town of CP funds for ELPOI, Dead Trees at Beach, Purple Loosestrife.

9-5-2016 Board Meeting Minutes- In house water testing for Fecal, treasurers report, rt 74 speed limit, lake level, property map update, beavers, Charles Island camping and posting, boat launch sign updates, new invasive (flowering rush) found.

8-15-2015 Board Meeting Minutes- Beach camping issues and signage, property owner map and date base update for spring of 2016 delivery, fecal testing responsibilities and who to complete,Milfoil growth areas, NYS clean drain dry implications, lake properties that are for sale, updated treasurers report and need for letter of reminder for delinquent letter, Gofundme what is involved, record keeping of all emails via secretary, lake level beavers and boards.

8-17-2013 Board Meeting Minutes- water testing, fish stocking update, shirts, etc.

7-15-2012 Board Meeting minutes- Agenda for board meeting no further notes taken.

6-30-2012 Board meeting minutes- Annual meeting & Picnic preparations, Board Size, Charitable organization contributions, Milfoil project status, IP Grant application, lake level, business membership money allocation.

10-23-2011 Board Meeting Minutes- Discussion of the future direction of the milfoil project, letter to the APA re:permit pre-submission review request.

7-16-2011 Board Meeting Minutes- when available.

7-2-2011 Board Meeting Minutes- Continued mug and post card sales ideas, membership report and expected picinic attendance, determined hand outs for the annual meeting. Minutes by Chris Hyde.

6-19-2011 Board Meeting Minutes- Annual meeting planning and pre-submission of reports for the annual meeting.

10-2010 Board Meeting Minutes- Discussion related to Times of Ti article, offer for donation of Conklin family "Turtle Island" board declines offer.

8-16-2010 Board Meeting Minutes- 2010-7-16 minutes approved, newsletter status, donation request letter status, milfoil update, invasives species forum update.

7-16-2010 Board Meeting Minutes- Approval of 7-3-2010 annual meeting minutes, fundraising letter, mission statement, treasurers report, committee assignments.

7-3-2010 Board Meeting Minutes-Approved the 9-6-2009 board meeting minutes, prepared the 2010 annual meeting report topics, heard the treasurers report and proposed budget, adjusted donations by the ELPOI to local organizations, membership report, rescinded the 9-2009 motion to raise dues, accepted resignation of 2 board members who are moving, discussed the newsletter, new sign boards, fundraising, picnic food and preparations, and accepted nominations to replace the 2 board members.


9-6-2009 Board Meeting Minutes- New officers, report on the meeting with the new ELPOI attorney, annual budget approval, and boating regulations submission for the newsletter.

9-3-2009 Board Meeting- Rolf Tiedemann's note for and about the meeting. Discussion of changing dues, update on the Saratoga Lake milfoil treatment project, updates and additional information on biological controls, 2008 changes to dosage restrictions for Renovate OTF by the Vermont DEC, Eagle Lake milfoil project update for 2009, and milfoil divers lake observations during dive operations.

7-19-2009 Board Meeting Minutes- Annual meeting concerns addressed regarding information sharing with residents, safe boater information.

7-3-2009 Board Meeting Minutes- Annual meeting agenda, approved officer candidates, budget summary, and status of the milfoil project.

6-13-2009 Board Meeting Minutes- Treasurer's report, membership list updates, annual letter to the membership, potential candidates to fill board positions, Adirondack Lake Alliance meeting summary, 2009 milfoil project update, International Paper grant thank you, Emerald Ash Borer information from the DEC.

7-19-2008 Board Meeting Minutes- General board business, milfoil project update.

7-5-2008 Board Meting Minutes- Nomintations, Treasurer's Report, Membership, Water Quality, Milfoil Project update, discussion on jet skis, annual meeting date set, annual resolution.

5-24-2008 Board Meeting Minutes- Rin Fraize appointed acting President, recognized contributions and service of former board members, report on the Milfoil Project budget, un-released NYS DEC balance on this grant of $6,250.00 remains available, ELPOI will make a transfer of funds to the Town of Crown Point, 60% of property owner are members, status of the Milfoil Project, 3 captains needed to oversee various phases, locations of sites for matting, application process for the future use of an herbicide, 800.00 dollars had been received from IP, cash and labor pledges to honor them, reminder to log all officer and resident volunteer hours.

9-1-2007 Board Meeting Minutes- approval of 7-3-07 minutes, old business (Invasive Species grant status, follow-up to Senator Little meeting re past grant denial and "new" herbicide, APA has new permit document for herbicide use, Allied Biological to retained to complete application, APA requirement to use curtains mentioned, Steve S to be asked for help placing "test mat"), report of drowning in west coast newspaper related to milfoil, treasures report, new business (jet skies, boat safety, possible "old" herbicide residual reported.

7-3-2007 Board Meeting Minutes- General lake business.

6-16-2007 Board Meeting Minutes- Dues increase, $100,000 grant approved, and purchase of postcards/ mugs as a fundraiser.

8-12-2006- Review Senator Little meeting, committee reports, parking at the "Chlorination Station."

7-6-2006- Meeting with Senator Little, B. Housell (Adirondack Council), DEC Staff, ELPOI Officers, regarding the denial of the ELPOI request for the 2006 Invasive Species Grant, and action to move forward.

July 23, 2006: Planning for Senator Little meeting, plan with towns to hire divers, expenditures for current grant money, treasures report, membership report, committees in existence, additional milfoil buoy needs, construction/development, end of season gathering.

7-8-2006-Adopt-a-Natural-Resource agreement renewed, membership map update with distribution to emergency services, proposed officers, agenda items for annual meeting finalized.

6-10- 2006- International Paper grant check accepted, update on 2005 key players meeting, follow up to denial of 2006 Invasive Species grant, motion to proceed to remove milfoil with funds available, need to look into insurance.

2005: meeting minutes and annual report from the board

7-25-2004- Proposed board of directors meeting agenda

7-6-2004- meeting minutes, milfoil 2003 GPS survey report, thanks to International Paper for grant, nominating committee, treasures report

8-16-2003- meeting minutes, dues, by-laws change, PWC activity, GPS mapping, Conference attendance at Paul Smiths College.

07-19-2003 Board Meeting Minutes DRAFT- general lake business.

07-12-2003 Board Meeting Minutes- when available

07-03-2003 Board Meeting Minutes- when available

08-31-2002 Board Meeting Minutes- Water testing,Ti police update, IP grant, insurance.

07-05-2002 Board Meeting Minutes DRAFT- general lake business.

August 25, 2001

July 14, 2001

July 6, 2001

July 7, 2000


8-21-1999- Board meeting minutes. Additionally pictures from the board meeting are available here.

August 5, 1999: Pictures from the round table meeting Kishbaugh, Sutherland (DEC), Burns (SEPRO), Lake resident; re SONAR. Minutes when available.

July 17, 1999: Board meeting minutes.

August 29, 1998: Minutes distributed as part of the March 1999 newsletter.

August 12, 1998: Minutes distributed as part of the March 1999 newsletter.

8-30-1997- Discussion of the Sonar Pilot Project, voted to make the Times of Ti the official ELPOI newspaper.

11-23-1997- Milofil project pledge request letter.

August 9, 1997: Pilot project funding Rt. 74 association now Paradox Association, Crown Point Beach problems, septic testing.

8-12-1995 Special Executive Committee Meeting Minutes- Quorum verification, review and approval of the proposed bylaws changes, review of options for 501c not-for-profit application, set agenda for the 8-26-1995 special membership meeting, motion to accept proposed bylaws made and carried, motion to designate not-for-profit status made and carried.

7-7-1995 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes- Treasures report (need for additional funding), change of membership status in FOLA, postal permit, use of Chilson Community Center for ELPOI meeting, directors and officers/errors and omissions insurance renewal, status updates for grants, nominating committee, water use survey, tax exempt status.

Additional Years: when available
September 19, 1978: Executive committee meeting to support Rt. 74 Association

Additional Years: when available