End-of-Summer Picinic: August 31 2024 at 11:30am at the Eagle Lake Beach.
A Word From Our Sponsors
A Word From Our Sponsors
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Archives Page
Here you will find a listing of past communications with the Eagle Lake community, historical documents spanning back to the founding of the organization in 1907, documents about water quality in the lake, and any legal documents (such as permits and by-laws) that the ELPOI has. This is an incomplete list, as many of the organizations older records currently exist only in paper form; these are being digitized and added as time allows.

  • 1907-1935 Meeting Minutes Page- Preorganizational information letter, annual meeting minutes, membership list.
  • 2018 Boat Launch Changes Page- Changes to the Eagle Lake boat launch as proposed in the 2018 Hammond Pond Unit Management Plan. As second part of the proposed changes to the 2019 Hammond Pond UMP and its association with the Eagle Boat launch additional stipulations and possible restrictions have been included. These stipulations relate to BOAT MOTOR SIZE, CARRYING CAPACITY, and a SITE SPECIFIC UMP.
  • 2019 Map Images for Boat Launch and Beach Page- Map Images for Boat Launch and Beach and ArcGIS 2018 Proposed State Land Classifications.
  • 2019 Supporting Images for the Boat Launch and Beach Page- This is a collection of images by Rolf Tiedemann relating to the proposed changes to the beach and boat launch found in the Hammond Pond Unit Management Plan.
  • 2020-2022 DEC Carrying Capacity Study- Raw documents and study data, collected utilizing CSLAP guidelines for counting boats. No conclusions drawn at this time.
  • 2023 Boat Launch Changes Page- Changes to the Eagle Lake boat launch as ratified into the 2019 Hammond Pond UMP and its association with the Eagle Boat launch additional stipulations and possible restrictions have been included. These stipulations relate to BOAT MOTOR SIZE, CARRYING CAPACITY, and a SITE SPECIFIC UMP.
  • Annual Meeting Minutes Page- A collection of our annual meeting minutes currently available in electronic form. More will be added as they become available.
  • Board Meeting Minutes Page- A collection of our board meeting minutes currently available in electronic form. More will be added as they become available.
  • Causeway Replacement Page Photos and files accumulated over the term of the project. Beginning fall of 2022.
  • Communications Page- A collection of our organizational communications currently available in electronic form. These include documents sent out by the ELPOI, recieved by the ELPOI, and sent between various members of the organization.
  • Eagle Lake Community News and Articles about Invasives Page- Various newspaper articles and publications that relate to news about the Eagle Lake community. Also includes articles that have focused on the plight of local lake associations and residents as they battle against invasive species and other lake issues. Most of the articles come from local area news publications in the Adirondack region.
  • Financial Records Page- Here are the financial records broken down by year and by who the acting treasurer was at that point in time. Expenditures, reciepts and treasures reports.
  • Fish Stocking Information Page- Data related to fish stocking in Eagle Lake from both the organization and the state.
  • Funding Sources Page- a listing of the funding souces/grant applications utilized by Eagle Lake for milfoil removal that fall outside of our normal opperating budget.
  • Ice Eater and Bubbler Information Page- Concerns have been brought to the attention of the ELPOI that there are properties on the lake that are utilizing bubblers or ice eaters to protect docks and boat houses from damage. This page is meant to serve as a clearinghouse of information regarding the technology being used, any rules and regulations that may apply to them, as well as any environmental impacts they might have.
  • In Memory of Page- A listing of past members and lake residents that have passed on, including (when available) obituaries, donation links, and other details.
  • Lake Levels Page- A listing of lake water levels and dates.
  • Lauren Lake History Scans- A listing of documents loving scanned and transcribed by Lauren Phillips detailing early Eagle Lake history. These come from some of the original ELPOI history books and records as they are available.
  • Loon Tracking and Information Page- A page to contain records regarding the loon populations on Eagle Lake.
  • Maps of Eagle Lake Page- Maps showing Eagle Lake and the surrounding area, as well as plant distibution maps and proposed treatment locations.
  • Newsletters Page- A collection of our newsletters currently available in electronic form. More will be added as they become available.
  • Past ELPOI Officers Page- A listing of our currently know past officers, the positions they served in, and when they served. Additional information will be added as our historical documents are digitized.
  • Permits Page- Documents related to the completion of permits towards the maintainence of Eagle Lake as well the permits themselves. Housing removal permits among others.
  • Plant Surveys (Eagle Lake) Page- Surveys of Eagle Lake that studied either individually or in combination the location and distribution of native vegetation or the locations and distributions of the invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil.
  • Septic Dye Test Results Page- (2000) 82% of properties tested, 100% passed
  • Spillway Dam Page- A collection of links to ducuments, photos, and history of the Eagle Lake spillway dam.
  • Water Quality Reports Page- CSLAP Reports and other independent water quality reports that are currently in electronic form.

Lake Reports

2018 Causeway Replacment Survey and Results-survey of lake residents causeway reconstruction opinions and the survey results.

5/2010 Eagle Lake safe boating informational hand out.

10/2009 Study for Out Flow Rates at the Spillway Dam

2001-06 Lake Use Survey Results- Results of the Survey of lake residents and community on lake use and management options

June 18, 2001 Cover letter to residents regarding lake use and management

2001 US Army Corps of Engineers Preliminary Restoration Plan- A report for an Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration based on 2001-7-2 site visit. The determination was that milfoil is a problem but that a Section 206 program was not appropriate for Eagle Lake.

2001-06 Lake Use Survey- Survey of lake residents and community on lake use and management options

02/13/1996:North Shore Soil Survey Results (limestone buffering in the lake)

Annual Reports

6-2009- Annual Report

2006- Annual Report

2005- Annual report from the board

2004- Annual Report

2000- Annual Report

(more when available)

Miscellaneous Information
By-Laws Documents
The Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc. (ELPOI) was established in 1907 and incorporated in 1993 as a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization that serves to protect mutual interests of it's property owners and to maintain the environmental and recreational quality of Eagle Lake.

Our Mission is:
  • The restocking of Eagle Lake from state and local hatcheries
  • The regulation and control of a uniform lake level
  • The prevention of pollution of Eagle Lake's waters
  • The protection of spawning beds
  • The protection of the mutual interests and property of it's members
  • And for such other objects and purposes as may from time to time be determined upon by the members of the organization for protecting the mutual interests and property of the members.

2023-10-29 ELPOI Policy Updates- The board has adopted some new policies to be in compliance with Fall 2023 Grant applications.

July 11, 2009- Annual Resolution- Mission Statement

2004- (Current)

2002- Draft Revision- revisions made in red

April 22, 1996- Certificate of amendment of the certificate of incorporation.

1996 Annual Resolutions- Resolutions related to; mission statements, responsibility tasking of ELPOI officers, banking, communications, levying of assessments, dues amount, and standing committees.

1995- by-laws after incorporation

7-23-1993- Constitution and by-laws and update to certificate of incorporation.

4-9-1993- Certificate of incorporation and draft by-laws.

1992- June updated by-laws and constitution.

1990- retype of the 1949 by-laws and constitution.

8-13-1908- Constitution and by-laws as adopted. G. F. Humphries copy.

1907- Original constitution and by-laws


Ice Information
Ice Out Dates
West End
  • Not captured
March 23, 2024 East End
April 13, 2023 Between March 25 and April 12, 2022
April 3, 2021 April 6, 2020
April 15, 2019 April 28, 2018
April 13, 2017 March 18, 2016
April 18, 2015

April 21,2014

April 18, 2013 April 22, 2011
April 10, 2009 April 20, 2008
April 20, 2004 March 30, 2002
May 1, 2001 April 5, 2000
March 31, 1995
Ice In Dates
December 11, 2023 West End
January 4, 2024 East End
December 11, 2022 West End
December 17, 2022 East End
December 19, 2021
December 19, 2020
December 17, 2019
December 1, 2018

Ice Thickness and Dates
Date Thickness
2004-02-21 12 inches
2002-03-30 2 inches
2002-02-21 11 inches
2001-04-16 1 inch

NYSFOLA Dates Submission- submit ice on and off dates with NYSFOLA

NYSFOLA Optional CSLAP Observations- Ice on/off, boat counts and recreation survey, anglers survey, Zebra Mussels and monitoring.

US Army Corps of Engineers Ice Thickness and Strength Guide

NYS DEC Ice Thickness Guide- from the Democrat and Chronicle

Miscellaneous Documents

2003-07-04- Fire on back side of Skiff Mountain =/- 20 Acres.

Peter Buechner Chicken BBQ Recipe

The Battle of Eagle Lake in the Year of '86- Poem related to Eagle Lake lake level issues.

The Naming of Eagle Lake- as reported by a letter from Carolyn Harris July 30, 1901

How much water falls during a rain storm? USGS water science

TV Fool Signal Calculator- Intrested in watching over the air television at Eagle Lake? Use this nifty web app to see what channels you might be able to tune in based on your location around the lake!