Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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Ice Eater and Bubbler Information
Concerns have been brought to the attention of the ELPOI that there are properties on the lake that are utilizing bubblers or ice eaters to protect docks and boat houses from damage. This page is meant to serve as a clearinghouse of information regarding the technology being used, any rules and regulations that may apply to them, as well as any environmental impacts they might have.

Environmental Concerns
Information relating to the potential environmental issues relating to the use of bubblers and ice eaters during the winter months.
2013-09-13 Lake Ice- Lake ice from a recreational perspective. Original Page


Heaters and Bubblers
Information about the technology used to either remove ice that has formed, or prevent it from forming in the first place.
2021-02-11 Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble- Water's Edge Landscaping inc. blog post.
2021-02-11 The Elite Dock Bubbler- Preventing costly ice damage.
2021-02-11 Deicing- Thawlinw bubbler deicers, linear deicing systems.
2021-02-11 Pond Report Store- Dock bubblers and deicers.
2016-02-11 Lake Sunapee Deicer Pamphlet #1- Tips for Safe and Effective use of Dock De-Icers.
2021-02-11 Lake Sunapee Phamplet #2- Tips for Safe and Effective use of Dock De-Icers.
2021-02-11 Doc De-Icers- Lake Sunapee Blog Post


Legal Issues
Any rules relating to the legality of use, or potential liability of use of ice heaters and bubblers.
2021-02-11 Bubblers Important Safety Considerations- Cade Associates Insurance Brokers Limited blog post.
2011-12-29 Ice Eater Reminders- Lake George Association blog post.
2017-06-12 Cottage Life- If you install a dock bubbler, what are the implications if someone goes through the ice?
2021-02-11 To Bubble or Not to Bubble- Muskoka Lakes Association blog post.
2012-01-04 Ice Eaters Regulations for Lake Hopatcong- Questions and Answers about ice retardant systems.
2021-02-11 Lake Hopatcong Ordinances- Lake Hopatcong township of Jeffereson public ordinances.


Environmental Concerns
Information relating to the potential environmental issues relating to the use of bubblers and ice heaters during the winter months.
2013-09-13 Lake Ice- Lake ice from a recreational perspective.