Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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Spillway Dam History Page
The Eagle Lake dam was originally built per Steve Phelps in 1865 -then torn out by new owners after property went to probate due to previous owners passing, (details in EL historical records approximately late 1920 to mid 1930's), status of dam and residents issues with respect to dam being out and low water resulted in a multi year court battle that ended with NYS taking ownership of the property and in some undocumented fashion reconstructing a dam. This dam was removed and rebuilt by the NYS DEC in the late 1970's approximately 1978, with input from members of the ELPOI. Issues with the dam prior was leaking and not being able to regulate the water level. The Dam has been "inspected and maintained" by the DEC on a schedule that is know to them. The ELPOI has had various agreements with the DEC over this time to maintain the water level by installing and removing spillway boards, while doing this the volunteers of the ELPOI have made casual inspections for the dam and immediate surroundings and have reported any need for maintenance to the DEC for their actions. Per the 1988 Hammnond Pond Unit Management Plan the dam was rebuilt by the DEC in the fall of 1986.
  • Permits Page- Documents related to the completion of permits towards the maintainence of Eagle Lake as well the permits themselves. Housing removal permits among others.
  • 2023-05 Spillway Board Install Images Page- This is a collection of images taken by Chris Hyde after installing the board and locking plates holding the boards in place. There were a few branches on the spillway.
  • 2023-05 Spillway Vehicle Accident Images Page- This is a collection of images taken by Chris Hyde after an accident at the spillway dam parking area. The accident took plac arout 1:30 pm on May 14, 2023, on a bright sunny day. Per a converstation with the driver fell asleep driving a "truck" of unknown size.

2023-04-04 NY dam chief: scores of hazardous dams are out of compliance- Adirondack Explorer.

2022-03-09 VSA Report- compiled by Chris Hyde covering activities conducted at the spillway during the past year.

2022-03-09 ELPOI VSA time log- Log of volunteer hours for maintenance of the spillway dam.

2022-03-09 Lake Level- Log of volunteer collected lake levels as part of the VSA.

2021-12-17 147 New York dams are 'unsound' and potentially dangerous- Thousands of dams have not been inspected in more than 20 years. Times Union. (This map shows that the Eagle Lake dam was built in 1865).

2018-06 Dam Infrastructure: Understanding and Managing the Risks- Office of the New York State Comptroller.

2017 Intermediate and High-Hazard Dams in New York State- Office of the New York State Comptroller.

2009-10 Study for Out Flow Rates at the Spillway Dam



2023-05 Spillway Board Install Images Page- This is a collection of images taken by Chris Hyde after installing the board and locking plates holding the boards in place. There were a few branches on the spillway.

2023-05 Spillway Vehicle Accident Images Page- This is a collection of images taken by Chris Hyde after an accident at the spillway dam parking area. The accident took plac arout 1:30 pm on May 14, 2023, on a bright sunny day. Per a converstation with the driver fell asleep driving a "truck" of unknown size.

2022 spillway board removal photos page

2022 beaver activity photos page

2020 beaver issues photos page

2019_beaver_dam photos page

2019_water_level photos page

2020_dam_board photos page

2020_beaver_issues photos page

2021_high_water photos page

2022_beaver_activity photos page