Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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2023 Labor Day Beach Gethering Page
This is a collection of images shared via the facebook page and Michael Tiedemann of the gethering the ELPOI put on at the beach over the Labor Day weekend.

  • ELPOI Web Cameras Select Page- Provides time lapse images from 4 location around Eagle Lake. Three of the cameras are located on the North shore, one looks South West towards the causeway, one South East towards Charles Island, one due South, a fourth is on the South shore by Ti Bay and looks North West.
  • Photo Albums Page- Links to pages of photographs from Eagle Lake. 1999 to the present, with limited historical photographs from the early 1900's.
  • Videos from Eagle Lake Page- Videos documenting milfoil and the removal process along with other videos relating to Eagle Lake.
  • 2023 Boat Launch Changes Page- Changes to the Eagle Lake boat launch as ratified into the 2019 Hammond Pond UMP and its association with the Eagle Boat launch additional stipulations and possible restrictions have been included. These stipulations relate to BOAT MOTOR SIZE, CARRYING CAPACITY, and a SITE SPECIFIC UMP.
Facebook Shared Images
2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 373630987_707821101377921_4631281010952468493_n.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 373680461_707820984711266_6196129781218513950_n.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 373694558_707821074711257_9091744391825076454_n.jpg
2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 373699526_707820881377943_2134192020607241254_n.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 373747894_707821061377925_4371638239723375514_n.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 374187858_707821004711264_3618501913559199885_n.jpg
2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 374214001_707820968044601_5219577861839883014_n.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 374654768_707821014711263_6779386197444691963_n.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 374656155_707821038044594_8265012690975089043_n.jpg
2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 375225592_707820861377945_4709044186893840931_n.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook 375261114_707820994711265_3060134242845692392_n.jpg


Michael Tiedemann Drone Images
2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook DJI_0460.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook DJI_0463.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook DJI_0464.jpg
2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook DJI_0465.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook DJI_0466.jpg 2023-09-02 ELPOI labor day beach gathering facebook DJI_0467.jpg