Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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2019 Chip Truck Rollover Page
At around 9am this morning a tractor and trailer truck rolled its trailer on rt 74. The driver was OK and shook up. The truck was hauling wood chips, driver stated that he thought the 5 wheel plate broke loose as he stated he felt some shaking as he drove along rt 74. The road is currently down to one lane in front of Sand Stubings remolded "old Bar". The tractor stopped with-in feet of the side of the building and DEC spill control is on sight as from what I saw the drivers side fuel tank was ruptured and from some over heard dialog they suspect some 50 to 100 gallons of fuel spilled. they had spill control blanket and mats out. but suspect they will need to do some digging to get fuel that spilled out of the ground. Stubings fence from the start of the gate to the house was destroyed. Photos and Description by Rolf Tiedemann.

  • ELPOI Web Cameras Select Page- Provides time lapse images from 4 location around Eagle Lake. Three of the cameras are located on the North shore, one looks South West towards the causeway, one South East towards Charles Island, one due South, a fourth is on the South shore by Ti Bay and looks North West.
  • Photo Albums Page- Links to pages of photographs from Eagle Lake. 1999 to the present, with limited historical photographs from the early 1900's.
  • Videos from Eagle Lake Page- Videos documenting milfoil and the removal process along with other videos relating to Eagle Lake.
2019 Truck Rollover
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