Milfoil Dive October 2005 Photo Page
This was an exploratory dive conducted next to the causeway on the east end of the lake. This was intended to allow the the association to become more familiar with the processes and logistics behind successful hand harvesting. We learned that after a short time, bottom sediment turbidity makes effective work impractical forcing divers to move on to a new section of bed while the sediment settles. We also learned that there is ~50% more milfoil on the bottom than was originally indicate by the GPS survey in 2003; as well as the fact that even with 3 divers in the water, the process is still extremely slow.
- ELPOI Web Cameras Select Page- Provides time lapse images from 4 location around Eagle Lake. Three of the cameras are located on the North shore, one looks South West towards the causeway, one South East towards Charles Island, one due South, a fourth is on the South shore by Ti Bay and looks North West.
- Photo Albums Page- Links to pages of photographs from Eagle Lake. 1999 to the present, with limited historical photographs from the early 1900's.
- Videos from Eagle Lake Page- Videos documenting milfoil and the removal process along with other videos relating to Eagle Lake.