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1989 Vintage Aerial Images
This is a collection of images of Eagle Lake and sourrounding areas taken during 1989. These images come from both Essex County Roll 12 and Essex County Roll 13. The following photos have been selected for knowingly relating to Eagle Lake, and are not inclusive of the whole set of images. Used with permission.

  • ELPOI Web Cameras Select Page- Provides time lapse images from 4 location around Eagle Lake. Three of the cameras are located on the North shore, one looks South West towards the causeway, one South East towards Charles Island, one due South, a fourth is on the South shore by Ti Bay and looks North West.
  • Photo Albums Page- Links to pages of photographs from Eagle Lake. 1999 to the present, with limited historical photographs from the early 1900's.
  • Videos from Eagle Lake Page- Videos documenting milfoil and the removal process along with other videos relating to Eagle Lake.
  • 2023 Boat Launch Changes Page- Changes to the Eagle Lake boat launch as ratified into the 2019 Hammond Pond UMP and its association with the Eagle Boat launch additional stipulations and possible restrictions have been included. These stipulations relate to BOAT MOTOR SIZE, CARRYING CAPACITY, and a SITE SPECIFIC UMP.
1989 Vintage Aerial photos
image 13 Cerny_Stubbing
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 13 Cerny_Stubbing 1000x.jpg
image 14 Cerney_Condon
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 14 Cerney_Condon 1000x.jpg
image 15 Pete Stone
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 15 Pete Stone 1000x.jpg
image 16 John Waters
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 16 John Waters 1000x.jpg
image 17 Harvey
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 17 Harvey 1000x.jpg
image 18 Blanchard
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 18 Blanchard 1000x.jpg
image 19 hickland
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 19 hickland 1000x.jpg
image 20 blanchard 2
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 20 blanchard 2 1000x.jpg
image 21 George Conklin lake side cabana
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 21 George Conklin lake side cabana 1000x.jpg
image 22 Mike Quinn_Marcy Flemming
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 22 Mike Quinn_Marcy Flemming 1000x.jpg
image 23 Chamberlin pre additions
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 23 Chamberlin pre additions 1000x.jpg
image 24 lazaro pre garage
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 24 lazaro pre garage1000x.jpg
image 25 Morrans antique store
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 25 Morrans antique store 1000x.jpg
image 26 roll 12 Steve Benedict and Lloyd and Judy
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 26 roll 12 Steve Benedict and Lloyd and Judy 1000x.jpg
image 27 roll 12 Chuck Moore
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 27 roll 12 Chuck Moore 1000x.jpg
image 28 roll 12 Ockrin Weisheit back side view
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 28 roll 12 Ockrin Weisheit back side view 1000x.jpg
image 29 roll 12 Benedict
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 29 roll 12  Benedict 1000x.jpg
image 30 roll 12 Lark general store
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 30 roll 12 Lark general store 1000x.jpg
image 31 roll 11 trapper Jim
1989 Vintage Aerial photos image 31 roll 11 trapper Jim 1000x.jpg
website overview
1989 Vintage Aerial photos website overview.jpg
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