Eagle Lake Property Owners, Inc.
Celebrating 100 years of responsible lake stewardship in 2007.
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2020 Select Web Camera Images Page
Some of the more notable images captured by the web cameras during 2020.
Moon setting over the north west side of Eagle Lake
(Ore Bed Bay).
moonset camera 3 2020-04-01
The spot where several fishermen fished on the fresh ice 7 days earlier. Eagle Lake ice can change quite quickly.
First ice fishermen Eagle Lake.
First ice on Eagle Lake north shore.
First ice on Eagle Lake looking east towards Conklin's Island with Ti Bay in the distance.

Tiedemann camp flag pole light for the holidays.
Eagle Lake's Ti Bay, bathed in moon light a few minutes after midnight.
Full moon setting at 6:00 AM over Ore Bed Bay on the north west shore of Eagle Lake.